Water soluble fertilizer


As a new type of fertilizer, water-soluble fertilizer not only has a variety of formulas, but also has very flexible application methods compared with traditional fertilizers. Water-soluble fertilizers can be irrigated in the soil, so that the roots of the plants can better contact the fertilizers; it can be sprayed on the foliar surface to enter the plant through the stomata on the leaves to improve the absorption and utilization rate of fertilizers; it can also be drip irrigation and soilless cultivation, saving irrigation water and improving labor efficiency. ‍

Water-soluble fertilizer is a kind of fast-acting fertilizer, which is characterized by being completely soluble in water. Compared with ordinary fertilizers, water-soluble fertilizers dissolve faster and have higher absorption and utilization rates.

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of water-soluble fertilizers

Advantages of water soluble fertilizers
First, the water and fertilizer are applied together, and water is used to bring fertilizer to achieve the integration of water and fertilizer, with high fertilization efficiency, and can reduce the total amount of fertilization, exert the synergistic effect of fertilizer and water, and significantly improve the utilization efficiency of fertilizer and water; second , the fertilizer effect is fast, and it can solve the nutritional needs of high-yield crops in the rapid growth period.

Disadvantages of water soluble fertilizers

The fertilizer effect period is short, and it is difficult to store in the soil for a long time. The amount of fertilizer used should be strictly controlled. If a single use is a little too much, it will cause fertilizer loss, which will not only reduce the economic benefits of fertilization, but will not achieve the purpose of high yield and high quality; It can be applied, the fertilizer effect is not only fast, but also the effect time is long, and everyone can use it with confidence.

2. What should be paid attention to in the application of water-soluble fertilizers

Reasonable use

A small amount of multiple applications is an important fertilization principle for water-soluble fertilizers, which is in line with the characteristics of plant roots that continuously absorb nutrients and reduces the leaching loss caused by one-time large-scale fertilization. A small amount of multiple applications is an important reason for the high utilization rate of water-soluble fertilizers.

Pay attention to nutrient balance

Water-soluble fertilizers are usually applied by water, drench or by irrigation equipment. Especially under the condition of drip irrigation and fertilization, the root growth is large and dense, and the nutrient supply to the soil is more dependent on the nutrients provided by drip irrigation, especially in sandy soil, which has higher requirements on the reasonable proportion and concentration of nutrients. If the fertilizer formula is unbalanced, it will affect the growth of crops and cause nutrient deficiency.

Strong stability

The way to apply insurance in production is to use a small amount of fertilizer for testing, and reduce the concentration of application when it is found that there is damage to the leaves. Some large growers can purchase hand-held conductivity meters to monitor fertilizer concentration, especially in areas with high water salinity concentration.

Dilution factor calculation

There are two types of water-soluble fertilizers: powder and liquid. No matter which one is used, you need to add an appropriate amount of water to dilute the concentration of the fertilizer solution. Do not use some dirty water or water with a lot of floating objects and impurities, because if you use drip irrigation and spraying, it will be very difficult. It is easy to block the dripper and nozzle, thus affecting the working efficiency.

For example, a large element water-soluble fertilizer with a specification of 10 kg indicates that the dilution ratio is 800 times, that is, 1 catties x 800 times = 8000 catties, that is, the amount of water added is 8000 catties, and it can be stirred evenly after adding water.


Basic fertilization points of water-soluble fertilizer

The use of water-soluble fertilizer is different from that of organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer, because it is completely soluble in water and has high nutrient content. There are several basic points that need to be done in fertilization.

1. Water-soluble fertilizer needs to be diluted twice

Otherwise, the dilution concentration will be different, resulting in the burning of roots and damage to the seedlings during the fertilization process. In the fertilization process, it is first diluted in a small bucket, and then diluted twice for flushing and spraying, which is the basic operation of water-soluble fertilizer fertilization.

2. Water-soluble fertilizer should be used alone as much as possible

Generally, the proportion of water-soluble fertilizer is adjusted. When used in the fruit expansion period, it can not only supplement potassium, but also allow the plant to take in an appropriate amount of nitrogen and phosphorus, so there is no need to add other fertilizers. Moreover, if water-soluble fertilizers are combined with other fertilizers, precipitation may occur and fertilizer damage may occur.

3. Pay attention to the amount of water-soluble fertilizer

Many growers have a misunderstanding of fertilization: the more fertilizers are used, the better, but this is not the case. Water-soluble fertilizers have high fertilization efficiency. amount to be further reduced.


Water-soluble fertilizer fertilization master these four points

In the daily planting process, the use of water-soluble fertilizer is relatively large, and several key points must be mastered in the process of use in order to improve the efficiency of fertilization.

1. The frequency of use should be controlled

As people's requirements for crops are getting higher and higher, growers invest more and more in the process of fertilization. In order to improve the growth of crops, many growers frequently apply water-soluble fertilizers, which is an obvious misunderstanding.

Although the use of water-soluble fertilizer can improve the growth efficiency of crops, it is not the more the better.

Generally speaking, the amount of flushing water-soluble fertilizer should be controlled at 5-10 kg per mu, and fertilization should be carried out according to the principle of small amount and many times.

2. Blind application of high potassium fertilizer

Because of its high potassium content, high-potassium water-soluble fertilizer is a nutrient element required for crops during fruit setting and fruit expansion. It can change color, sweeten, and increase crop yield.

If high-potassium fertilizer is used too early or too much, it will cause stiff fruit and slow growth of the plant. It is recommended to use the high-potassium water-soluble fertilizer of Haifanwo with high potassium content. It contains 40 potassium, which has fast absorption speed and high utilization rate, and will not cause the phenomenon of plant dead fruit.

3, according to the crop to fertilize

Different crops require different ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Those who grow eggplant will ask, how come the eggplant fruit doesn't grow so much? The answer is that potassium-boosting fertilizers are useless.

Cucumbers need to use balanced water-soluble fertilizers and high-nitrogen and high-potassium water-soluble fertilizers in rotation after the fruiting period; tomatoes use balanced water-soluble fertilizers when they are the size of a ping-pong ball, and high-nitrogen and high-potassium water-soluble fertilizers when they are the size of eggs. Pepper can refer to tomato.

4. Fertilize according to the environment

Water-soluble fertilizers should be used according to the weather and the growth of crops. Because water-soluble fertilizers rely on transpiration to transfer nutrients and water to crops, it is not conducive to cloudy, rainy and snowy days, and environments with insufficient light and low temperature. For fertilizing, the best fertilizing time for water-soluble fertilizers is in the early morning and afternoon on a sunny day.